Mosaic of the Mestekawi-Foggini cave

Mosaic of the Mestekawi-Foggini cave

Zerzura Club

Thanks to Giancarlo Negro for sending me the above link to a mosaic of the rock art in the Mestekawi-Foggini cave in the western Gilf Kebir (Libyan borders of Egypt). To get the best out of these images you need to click on them and give them time to load. You can then click again to zoom in on specific parts of the cave paintings. If you have been there it is wonderful to be able to zoom in on the bits that you particularly like. If you have never seen the cave it is a great opportunity to see what all the fuss is about :-)

- Features
Videos: Prehistoric Paintings, The Swimmers and The Beast in Gilf Kebir Heritage Key Thanks to Tass for sending me the link. This page a video from the Gilf Kebir showing (briefly) the Cave of Swimmers and (in much more detail) the Mestekawi Foggini cave,...

- Daily Photo - Gilf Kebir
If anyone wants to contact me by email whilst I'm away that's fine, but please use my easynet address, not my UCL one. I've forgotten my latest UCL password so I can't retrieve anything sent to the UCL email address. As a general rule...

- In Pictures: Egypt's Hidden Treasures
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- Daily Photo - Mestekawi-foggini Cave
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- Cave Of The Beasts
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