Mother of the Old Kingdom

Mother of the Old Kingdom

This is an article on the Queen Sesheshet of the old kingdom who's pyramid and mummy were recently found.

- Teti And Sesheshet (Ran Shapira) The Egyptian researchers who, in early January, entered the burial room in the latest pyramid to be discovered in Saqqara, south of Cairo, labored for five hours before they could lift the lid of the sarcophagus within. Inside...

- More Re Sesheshet Mummy
National Geographic Seshseshet's pyramid was discovered last November in Saqqara, the vast burial ground near modern-day Cairo that was part of the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. Two other previously known pyramids were for his principal wives,...

- Old Kingdom Mummy Thought To Be Queen Seshestet Found
When I fired up Outlook this morning my eyes nearly popped out of my head - dozens of emails alerting me to the fact that the remains of a mummy thought to be that of Queen Seshestet the mother of the Pharaoh Teti, have been found in the remains of a...

- Queen Sesheshet Found?

- 2008 In Brief
Among the finds of this past year was an old kingdom pyramid belonging to queen Sesheshet of dynasty six this find was moderately interesting as were the two empty tombs found near the causeway of king Unas.

