Mubarak opens projects in Luxor

Mubarak opens projects in Luxor
"President Hosni Mubarak yesterday opened several projects in Luxor, including the Mubarak Egyptian Heritage Centre, Luxor’s modernised railway station and airport road. The President was briefed on restoration projects for a number of ancient temples. . . . The city upgrade scheme is scheduled to be completed by 2030. The 42 projects that are currently under way cost a total of LE805 million, Farag said, adding that restoration work would be carried out on the Avenue of Sphinxes at a cost of LE240 million. 'This restoration project will make Luxor the largest open museum in the world,' Farag said."
See the above page for brief details of some of the other projects planned for Luxor, including a new marina for floating hotels. You will need to be quick - the Egyptian Gazette does not archive its articles, so the above URL will be valid only for today.

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