Mummfication Museum lecture -Tuthmosis III funerary temple

Mummfication Museum lecture -Tuthmosis III funerary temple

Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar)

Thanks to Jane for publishing her notes from the most recent Mummification Museum lecture on her blog.

Mummfication Museum lecture -Tuthmosis III funerary temple
Egyptian Spanish Funerary Temple Tuthmosis III – Dr Miriam Seco Alvazez

The dig started in Sept 2008 for 6 weeks. It was originally excavated by Devesy 1888 and 1906 by Vigel. It is a terraced temple which is actually dug into the bedrock at the back (west). There are 2 parts one dedicated to Amun and the other dedicated to Hathor. The first court has never been excavated as it is under the road.

The team firstly looked at the storehouse built by Vigel at the west edge of the temple. It contained lots of fragments many with colour. They show nice decoration and Amarna damage. There are pictures of Tuthmosis as a young prince with a forelock of youth. Some is unfinished and was just painted and not sculptured. They are concentrating of epigraphic work of these blocks and preservation by putting them on blocks of wood to keep them away from the ground. Outside the store house they classified 4,000 fragments. They had to draw some in situ and then they removed then to allow for further excavation. . Colour fragments are in the store house but the others are stored on matting and sailcloth in the temple area. Excavation of the Hathor temple revealed the lines of the walls on the floor.

See all of Jane's notes on the above page.

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