Mummies Undergo CT Scans

Mummies Undergo CT Scans
Mummies at the Bowers Museum in California have been subjected to CT scans in the latest fashionable round of mummy-scanning. Of the six mummies examined, one was a priest from a wealthy family, one was a young girl who sang during religious rituals and another was a child, buried in a finely carved wooden coffin. The scans will be included in an exhibition scheduled to open on the 17th April at the Bowers Museum.

- More Re Birmingham Mummy
Newspost Online The murder mystery of a 1,700-year-old Graeco-Roman mummy has deepened, with CT scans revealing that a ‘metallic’ object stuck in its neck is in fact one of three or four fragments lodged in the base of the skull. According to a report...

- More Re Putnam Museum Mummies
WOI Tv (Source: Associated Press) A short update re the Iowa mummies: Officials at the Putnam Museum in Davenport hope modern technology will upwrap the history of 2 mummies. The mummies underwent CT scans at a hospital yesterday. Radiologist Andrew...

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- Bowers Museum Mummy Scans "A team of radiologists and curators will conduct computed tomography (CT) scans of six ancient Egyptian mummies from the renowned collections of the British Museum. The mummies...

