Mummification Museum lecture - Recent SCA Excavations

Mummification Museum lecture - Recent SCA Excavations
Thanks as usual to Jane Akshar for posting her notes from the Mummification Museum lectures that take place in Luxor. Her most recent notes are from Mansour Boraik's lecture Recent Excavations by the SCA (Supreme Council of Antiquities):
"Mansour Boraik was introduced (extremely wittily) by one of his colleagues. He started his career as an Inspector on the Giza Plateau and was the right hand man of Zahi Hawass for many years. He found the Valley of the Workers where the pyramid builders lived. He moved from Giza to Aswan to Sohag and came to Luxor 15 months ago.
He explained that when he arrived here there were many national projects going on and it was a challenge for the Inspectorate to manage all of then. At that time these were mainly on the East Bank but recently they have had the added challenge of the removal of Gurna Village on the West Bank. There is a budget of 600 million pounds for these projects.
He arranged for Mark Lehner to come to Luxor and to train the Inspectors. Also Ray Johnson of Chicago House has contributed in to professional development of the Inspectorate.
Mansour gave a big thanks to all his colleagues in the inspectorate and foreign missions and it is was worthwhile noting the respect shown to Mansour by the extremely high turnout. I have not seen so many people at a lecture since Otto Schaden gave his talk
The lecture was divided into the 4 areas currently under excavation

See the above page for the full story.

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