Mummifying Dinner

Mummifying Dinner

This is an article on studies done on meat found preserved in ancient Egyptian upper class burials including the beef ribs above found in the tomb of Yuya and his wife Thuya in the Valley of Kings, tomb KV46.The study deals with a resin call pistacia being used to preserve the meat and add flavor.

Photo: PNAS

- Online: Ancient Egyptian Chariot Trappings Rediscovered
Nature (Jo Marchant) Excellent five page article, with photos. Many thanks to David Krueger for the link. The beautifully preserved leather trappings of an ancient Egyptian chariot have been rediscovered in a storeroom of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo....

- Online: Magic Of King Tutankhamun
Wizzley (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has written a tabloid-style article about the magic of Tutankhamun during the Egyptian revolution. You can find it on the above page. Only two tombs in Valley of the Kings, the graveyard of many of the most famous kings...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun Now In Atlanta
myrtlebeachonline (Joan Leotta) David Silverman, an Egyptologist from the University of Pennsylvania and one of the curators of the King Tut exhibit's national tour, said, "What we can learn from [the tombs] is that they practiced hygiene, used makeup...

- Valley Of Kings Tomb Kv8 Open
The tomb of Ramses II's thirteenth son King Merenptah is now open to visitors to the Valley of Kings. The tomb is one of the longest and biggest in the valley and has been closed for restorations for a number of years. Most interesting is the restoration...

- The Mummy Of Queen Tiye
The Kings Wife Tiye was wife of King Amenhotep III ca 1350bc and the mother of Amenhotep IV, the heretic Akhenaten. She and Amenhotep historically were probably only children when married and if the record is accurate she probably outlived her husband...

