Mummy in the Golden Mask

Mummy in the Golden Mask

Russian archaeologists have found mummies wearing golden masks in Egypt's Fayum.

- Russian Archaeologists Find Mummies In The Faiyum
NOVOSTI - Russian News and Information Service Russian archaeologists have found well-preserved mummies in Egypt dating to the country's Ptolemaic era, the head of the Russian Academy of Science's Egyptology department announced on Tuesday. "Well-preserved...

- Hawass In Fort Lauderdale Zahi Hawass on how much enthusiam has greeted the Tutankhamun exhibition in Fort Lauderdale: "I recently returned from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after attending the opening of the Pharaoh's golden exhibition...

- It's The Assumption
It's the assumption that the mask found by Mr. Ghoneim and referred to by him as Kanefernefer and the mask in the St. Louis art museum are one and the same. Probable yes but I would like to point out that mummy masks are part of an artistic tradition...

- Ptolemaic Mummies
Here is an overview of excavations of the Dier Al Banat cemetery who's finds include mummies some with golden masks. There is a good picture of one of the masks.

- Russian's Find Mummies In The Fayum
Some interesting Ptolemaic mummies have been found in good condition in Egypt's Al Fayum district.

