Museums Across Egypt

Museums Across Egypt
Thanks very much to Kat Newkirk for pointing out that the Egypt Today has now been updated with its April issue, with a feature about some of the less well known museums (not all Egyptological) throughout Egypt: "Believe it or not, Egypt is awash in museums, some of which must surely qualify as being among the weirdest in the world. They were never intended that way, but we’re nonetheless glad they are. Some of the oddest and most interesting." A short paragraph describes each of the following museums:
- The Railways Museum (Ramses Station)
- The Postal Museum (Ataba)
- Wax Museum (Helwan)
- National Police Museum (Cairo Citadel)
- Hunting Museum (Roda Island)
- Military Museum (Port Said)
- Marine Life Museum (Alexandria)
- Dr. Ragab’s Pharaonic Village (Giza)
- Agricultural Museum (Dokki)

- Petrie Museum One Of The Most Unusual In London
The Telegraph (John O' Ceallaigh) It's not hyperbole to say that London is home to many of the world's best museums. Venues such as the British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Science Museum and Design Museum can justly lay claim to being...

- Scheme To Redesign The Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) This Special Feature on the Al Ahram Weekly website brings good news: the existing Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square, Cairo, is to be rennovated and redesigned as part of Egypt's overall plan to display its heritage...

- Zahi Hawass - Dig Days This link was broken yesterday, but is now up and running - Zahi Hawass discusses Egyptian museums: "Museums in Egypt are entering a new era. New institutions are being constructed, and there is a change from...

- New Museums For All"In an attempt to preserve Egypt's priceless treasures, both stored and newly-discovered, to create the best environment to display them and to release the pressure in some overstuffed museums, the Ministry...

- National Museum Of Egyptian Civilisation Due to open in around three years time, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization will "place on show Egypt's diverse civilisations from pre-historic to modern times. On display will be 150,000 artefacts...

