Mystery of the Pharaonic Coffins

Mystery of the Pharaonic Coffins
Zahi Hawass talking about the opening of KV63: I was first to enter the KV-63, carrying a torch that shed light upon a unique, beautiful scene of seven sealed coffins and large jars that had been hidden for thousands of years. As I announced the discovery, news soon spread everywhere about the unknown tomb. We opened the coffins but found no mummies—only mummification material such as natron, linen and oils. Inside the sixth coffin, we found pillows, which we could not account for had probably been placed there for the dead to enjoy in the hereafter, corresponding to god Osiris waiting to judge the deceased. Among the coffins, there was a small gilded coffin. Coffin 7 was observed by the international media. When I arrived at the Valley of the Kings at 8am, it was silent although there were thousands of tourists and reporters. I went inside the tomb and remembered the coffin opened by Zakaria Ghuneim in the presence of President Jamal Abdul Nasser that was found empty. I asked the Egyptologist Otto Schaden to open the coffin in front of the reporters, so the workers and Schaden began to open it very slowly. With the coffin now opened, we looked inside but did not find the mummy we expected."
See the above page for the full story.
This follows on from a previous article at the URL below, and appears to be part of a series:

- Feature: The Riddle Of Kv63 (Zahi Hawass) With video After King Tut’s tomb was discovered, everyone thought there were no more tombs to be found in the Valley of the Kings. But in 2006, we made an amazing discovery, the shaft of an unknown tomb. When I first saw the...

- Kv63 three page article on the MSNBC website about KV63 and the knowledge that has been accumulated so far, including extracts from a recent interview with Otto Schaden: "Five of KV-63's coffins are known to contain mummification...

- Kv63 - The Infant Coffin Schaden has updated the KV63 website at the above address with information about the small coffin known as Coffin D: "As I believe the time is right, I would like to make mention of the small infant coffin, labeled...

- Update: Kv63 Schaden's Dig Diary has been updated (dated 13th April 2006). Here's an extract, but see the full entry on the above page: "With the temporary slowdown of the conservation work during Nadia's absence,...

- Kv63 Update to Egypt Today, KV63 will be officially opened on March 10th: "Much of the speculation could end on March 10, when the tomb is officially opened and the contents of the seven sarcophagi inside...

