National Geographic Feature on Abydos

National Geographic Feature on Abydos
Thanks to my Dad for buying me the April edition of National Geographic, which I unfortunately only picked up last week - so, sorry it's a bit late!
These pages contain the first few paragraphs of a National Geographic article about Abydos focusing on Egypt's First Pharaohs, entitled "Abydos - Life and Death at the Dawn of Egyptian Civilization", some of the accompanying photographs from the magazine, and a printable art-map.
The full magazine feature has a good summary of the role of Abydos in both early Dynastic and later times, an imaginative reconstruction of the burial procession of the Pharaoh Aha (shown on the web page), and contains the usual stunning phhotographs and artistic reconstructions, as well as some very useful maps.
This last link also has a commentary from the author of the article about his experience doing the research for the item in Egypt:

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