Nefertiti is a Fake

Nefertiti is a Fake

The Famous bust of Nefertiti is believed to be a fake created at the 1912 dig site using ancient pigments.

- Yet More Re Nefertiti
Spiegel Online International (Christopher Seidler) I wouldn't have bothered with yet another Nefertiti story, but it is a slow news day and this is a coherent summary. For decades, people have marvelled at the bust of Nefertiti. Now, some scholars...

- Never Ending Nefertiti
I recently purchased an old book and found inside a 50 year old postcard from Luxor with a picture of none other than the Berlin Nefertiti and wow here I am writing yet another piece on her. The controversy level on this bust is through the roof and doubtless...

- Nefertiti's New Home
The famous bust of Nefertiti in the Altes museum in Berlin has now been moved to its new room in the recently restored Neues museum, the museum was badly damaged in WWII and has recently been restored at a cost of about $400 million. The bust has been...

- "i Will Prove Nefertiti Is Stolen"
Dr. Hawass really wants the bust back from Berlin but unfortunately for him a lazy official from Egypt's Antiquities service gave it to the German excavation in 1912. Unfortunately Berlin neglected to publish the masterpiece for 9 years making its...

- Bad Blood
Here Dr. Hawass gets into the fake Nefertiti argument. Well the art historian has sure done a good job of getting attention for himself. Ignore the tasteless comments at the end of the article.

