New archaelogical findings may re-shape Sudanese history

New archaelogical findings may re-shape Sudanese history
The recent discovery of seven statues in Karma, northern Sudan, south of the Third Cataract, which represented monarchs during the ancient Nubian Kingdom. They represent the kings Taharqa, Tanoutamon, Senkamanisken, Anlamani and Aspelta.

- In The Field: More Re Taharqa And Other Statues
Reuters UK The Pharaoh Taharqa, mentioned in the Bible for saving Jerusalem from the Assyrians, was a Kushite from north Sudan but ruled a wide empire through Egypt to the borders of Palestine. The southern borders are unknown. The Kushite civilization...

- In The Field: More Re Taharqa Statue
The Independent, UK (Owen Jarus) With a photograph of the statue in situ. No statue of a pharaoh has ever been found further south of Egypt than this one. At the height of his reign, King Taharqa controlled an empire stretching from Sudan to the Levant....

- Massive Statue Of Egyptian Ruler Taharqa Found Deep Inside Sudan
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) A massive one ton granite statue of the pharaoh Taharqa has been found in Dangeil, deep inside Sudan. Taharqa was a pharaoh of the 25th dynasty of Egypt. This was a period of Kushite rule, which means that Taharqa and his fellow...

- The Findings Of A Swiss Archaeological Team In Northern Sudan
Yahoo! The Swiss archaeologist Charles Bonnet spent many years exploring the remains of Nubian civilization in northern Sudan, focusing particular attention on the site of Kerma, the capital of the Nubians, and finding evidence of the existence of a genuine...

- Taharqa In The Sudan
Finally we have a picture of the massive statue of the Egyptian pharaoh Taharqa last pharaoh of Egypt's 25th Nubian dynasty. The striding statue of the king has been found far south of Egypt in the Sudan. Statues of two other Nubian kings were found...

