New archaeological sites discovered in Suez

New archaeological sites discovered in Suez
A not terribly coherent article, which says that excavations and discoveries last year in the Gulf of Suez brings the number of ancient sites (dating to ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Nabati periods) to 29 sites, in four different areas.

- Suez Museum Relates The City’s History Through Ages
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Following almost six years of construction the long-awaited Suez National Museum had its official inauguration while the city was marking one year of Egypt’s Revolution. While some of Suez inhabitants were protesting before...

- Satellite Technology Used To Find Sites,,61-2037531,00.html Article about Sarah Parcak's work using satellite imagery in Egypt (published in full in the EES magazine Egyptian Archaeology): "Satellite technology has more than doubled the number of ancient...

- News Items In Brief The following items are shown in brief as the last feature on this page on the Egyptian Gazette website: The Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, has decided to open museums and archaeological sites free of charge...

- A Number Of News Items . . . A number of news itesm have appeared on the Egyptian Gazette today. They are summarized in order of appearence on the page (introductory details are quoted - but see the page for many more details) New book chronicles...

- Maintaining World Heritage Sites A brief discussion of Egyptian sites listed as World Heriage Sites by Unesco, and some of the issues to be raised at the forthcoming conference in June this year.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

