New Book: Living Images (Hawara portraits)

New Book: Living Images (Hawara portraits)

A new book has been announced, which will be officially launched on Friday 26th October 2007 at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London (U.K.): Living Images - Egyptian Funerary Portraits in the Petrie Museum, edited by Janet Picton, Stephen Quirke and Paul C. Roberts.

The book is deidcated to the memory of Barbara Adams, and presents the corpus of Roman period paintings discovered by Petrie in his excavtions at Hawara.

The paintings were discovered by Petrie at Hawara, at the entrance to the Faiyum Depression to the south west of Cairo, and have been cared for by UCL for over 100 years. Articles describe the process of finding the mummies, discuss the place of funerary assemblages in the context of Egyptian burial customs, offer an introduction ot Egyptian potrait painting and explain some of the conservation issues. Contributors include Paul Roberts, Stephen Quirke, Euphrosyne Doxiadis, Lin Spaabaeck and Richard and Helena Jaeschke. Original contributions are also included from Petrie and the late Barbara Adams.

You can order the book from the Petrie Museum, Oxbow Books, Amazon, and other book retailers.

To see some of the Hawara portraits online, see the Hawara Portrait page on the Petrie Museum website. Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image.

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