New Hawass Tutankhamun book for young readers

New Hawass Tutankhamun book for young readers
This review by the Washington Post of Zahi Hawass's book Tutankhamun: The Mystery of the Boy King gives it the thumbs-up: "For aspiring young archaeologists, this will be, hands down, the picture book of the season. The text is written by no less an authority than the director of excavations at the Giza Pyramids and head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, but it's accessible . . . and imaginatively organized." See the article for more (the review is the first of a number of reviews of books for young readers on a number of subject matters, on this page).

- Book Review: In The Valley Of The Kings
Washington News (Review by John M. Taylor) Like many book reviews this is much more of a summary of the contents of the book than a commentary on the book's contents and quality. In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the mystery of King Tutankhamun's...

- Response To Sunday Times Re Hawass Article In May 2005,,2088-1710891_2,00.html In a widely publicized article entitled "King Tut Tut", which appeared in the May 22nd edition of the UK's Sunday broadsheet, a number of criticisms of Zahi Hawass were made. The above...

- The Golden King: The World Of Tutankhamun
Zahi Hawass National Geographic Cairo 2004 ISBN 977 424 836 8 This thankfully small and beautiful book is by the Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass. The book is an excellent read for a younger audience in...

- The Treasures Of Tutankhamun And The Egyptian Museum Of Cairo
Alessia Amenta White Star publishers 2005 ISBN 88-544-0068-8 This large but not huge volume is filled with wonderful photographs by Araldo De Luca with its text by Alessia Amenta. The book is not very in depth but rather a light look at the artifacts...

- Valley Of The Golden Mummies
Zahi Hawass Harry N. Abrams. INC. New York 2000 ISBN 0-8109-3942-8 This large and picturesque book is by the undefiable head of Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass. The author opens his book with a record of his accomplishments...

