New issue of PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology

New issue of PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology


A new issue of PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (ISSN 1567-214x) is published at It contains one paper: R. Krauss. Der Berliner „Spaziergang im Garten“ – antiker Murks oder moderne Fälschung? Mit einem Exkurs über Heinrich Schäfers Ägyptenaufenthalt 1898-1901 and four book reviews. Forthcoming is a paper by J. de Haan as well as the Newsletter.


The relief slab Berlin 15000, popularly known as ‘the stroll in the garden’, which depicts a royal couple in Amarna style, was acquired around 1900 in Egypt on the art market, and thus lacks an archaeological provenance. Features in favour of its authenticity include the physical proportions of the figures, the anatomically ‘correct’ depiction of their feet, and their costume in general, though not in detail. Other features suggest the relief could be a forgery – for example, the fact that the figures are not typically ‘top-heavy,’ the use of the line customarily indicating the kilt for drawing the king’s lower left leg, the absence of compositional unity in a scene purportedly of the Amarna period, and iconographically unparalleled details of the queen’s sash and cloak. These and other factors, both pro and contra authenticity, are reviewed and considered.

Forthcoming papers are also detailed. Book reviews are as follows:

Haarlem, van, W.M. 2009. Book review of: Bard, K.A. 2007. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (Malden/Oxford/Carlton, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing). (Date of publishing: 20 February 2009).

Haarlem, van, W.M. 2009. Book review of: Bonnet, Ch.D. & D. Valbelle. 2006. Pharaonen aus dem schwarzen Afrika. (Mainz, Philipp von Zabern). (Date of publishing: 20 February 2009).

Ikram, S. 2009. Book review of: Vermeersch, P.M. Ed. 2008. A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter. (Leuven, Leuven University Press). (Date of publishing: 20 February 2009).

Moje, J. 2009. Book review of: Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart. Ed. 2007. Ägyptische Mumien. Unsterblichkeit im Land der Pharaonen. (Mainz, Philipp von Zabern). (Date of publishing: 20 February 2009).

All are available for download from the above page.

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Thanks to André J. Veldmeijer for sending the following email, notifying that the new edition of PalArch's Journal of Egypt/Egyptology (ISSN 1567-214X) is available online: The April 2007 issue of our free journals is now online at:

- Palarch January 2007 thanks to André J. Veldmeijer for the information that the January 2007 issue of the free PalArch journal is now online at the above address.The issue includes in PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology:A.J....

