New light on ancient Egyptian colonialism

New light on ancient Egyptian colonialism
An article in Current Anthropology about the Nubian site Tombos sheds new light on the nature of the relationship between pharaonic Egypt and its Nubian colony: "In approximately 1550 B.C., Egypt conquered its southern neighbor, ancient Nubia, and secured control of valuable trade routes. But rather than excluding the colonized people from management of the region, new evidence from an archaeological site on the Nile reveals that Egyptian immigrants shared administrative responsibilities for ruling this large province with native Nubians." The conclusions are based largely on burial remains from the site.
See the above site for a short summary of the article. The citation for the CA article itself is: Michele R. Buzon. "The Relationship between Biological and Ethnic Identity in New Kingdom Nubia: A Case Study from Tombos." Current Anthropology 47:3.

- Exhibition: Nubia, Ancient Kingdoms Of Africa
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- Kerma - Mission Archéologique Suisse Au Soudan Thanks again to AWOL for the link above for updates to the project. In the list of publications on the site many are in PDF format. Here's the site's summary of the project. Still today, Nubia is synonymous with a mysterious...

- The Findings Of A Swiss Archaeological Team In Northern Sudan
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- Journal Of Archaeological Science
Science Direct The most recent issue of JAS (October 2007, Volume 34, Issue 10, Pages 1555-1762) is available online. Abstracts are free of charge and full papers are available to purchase as downloads in PDF format. In this issue there is a paper about...

- Current Anthropology Anthropology has a couple of Egypt-related articles in the latest issue (Volume 47, Number 4, August 2006). For the full list of contents see the above page. MICHELE R. BUZONBiological...

