New Management at Giza

New Management at Giza

I am sure the new fence will probably make the tourists safer.

- Stone Man Walking of the Ramesses II twin of the Mit Rahina statue being moved from the square beside the railway station to a new and less polluted location in Giza. It has been unexpected but super to see the...

- Hawass On The Great Pyramid In a similar type of concept to the Dig Days column that appears on the Al Ahram Weekly website, Egypt Today has started a feature entitled "From the notebook of Dr Zahi Hawass" this month: "In the...

- Egypt Today: Travel Items
The Western Desert "When you’re ready, make the journey to Dakhla Oasis, southeast of Farafra. It is arguably the best of the bunch. Golden sand pours endlessly off the northern escarpment into the...

- More On Various Items Missing From Egypt's Collections An overview of the problems with items going missing from the Cairo Museum and other storage facilities in Egypt. According to the article the last full invetory of the museum's basement storage...

- Alexandria - Short Summary An article on Alexandria, with a section in the middle on the ancient sections, with comments by archaeologists working there explaining about the pressures, in some instances, of Rescue Archaeology. ...

