New tomb discovered near Edfu

New tomb discovered near Edfu
A 5,000-year-old funerary complex in Upper Egypt has been found by a joint Egyptian-US archaeological team: "The tomb was found in the Kom al-Ahmer region near Edfu, some 97 km south of the famous ancient city Luxor on the west bank of the Nile, Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, was quoted as saying. Three mummies were found inside the tomb alongside a small flint statue of a cow's head and a ceramic funeral mask, Hawass added. The tomb is believed to have belonged to one of the first rulers of the Greek city of Apollinopolis Magna, the ancient name of Edfu. Edfu was the capital of the second nome (Horus) of Upper Egypt. The main attraction here is the Temple of Horus, which is widely considered to be the best preserved cult temple in Egypt".

- Online - The Tell Edfu Project
Oriental Institute See the above page for the links. The remains of what once had been the provincial capital of the 2nd Upper Egyptian nome can be found at Tell Edfu, which is one of the best well-preserved ancient towns in Egypt. The continuous occupation...

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