New website - Archaeology of the Eastern Desert

New website - Archaeology of the Eastern Desert
I have put together a new website on the archaeology of Egypt's Eastern Desert. It can be found at the above address.
The danger with being author, editor and publisher of anything on this scale is that you miss some glaringly obvious problems in both the overall design and the actual content.
If anyone picks up on anything that could be improved or should be changed, I would be very grateful for any constructive criticism. Likewise, if you have any contributions, I would be glad to include and credit them. You can email me at [email protected]. I will be pleased to hear from you.

There is a sister site, which contains nothing but photographs of Eastern Desert rock art at

- Desert Rats 2nd Edition
[email protected] Thanks very much to Mike Morrow for letting me know that the second edition of Desert RATS will be available for purchase soon. It consists of both a book and DVDs, which is great news. It is always good to see...

- New Blog - The Archaeology Of Egypt's Deserts
I've put together a new blog which will focus on the archaeology of Egypt's deserts. Unlike this blog it will include relevant lecture and conference news. Visitors to this blog will know that I am a bit of a desert nut. I've been copying...

- Eastern Desert - New Books And Conference
Thanks to Hans Barnard for the news that the the Costen Institute of Archaeology volume on "The Archaeology of Mobility" finally went to press. Also Hans Barnard's own monograph on Eastern Desert Ware, pottery likely made by pastoral nomads in the...

- Eastern Desert Conference
Archbase If you are interested in the Eastern Desert, you may be intersted in an update from Hans Barnard who syas that the first abstracts for the conference on "The History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert" are now on-line at the above address:...

- Daily Photo: Eastern Desert Rock Art
As a nod to the rock art research mentioned above at Dakhleh Oasis in the Western Desert, here are some photographs of rock art in the Eastern Desert - a very different kettle of fish! For a start, except for one known image, all of the rock art in the...

