New website dedicated to all SCA activities launches

New website dedicated to all SCA activities launches

See the above page for the links. The website has been kicking around for some time but it does seem to have been udpated. Hawass's Monthly Column (under Breaking News) which hadn't been updated since March 2010 has now been updated this month with a summary of some of the more recent news stories.

The SCA website details all activities of the SCA and maintains a list of cultural property institutions under its purview. In addition, it serves as the gateway for foreign missions seeking to establish concessions at prehistoric and historic sites in Egypt.

Of particular note is the Breaking News section, which features current and archived columns by Dr. Hawass and provides a link to the SCA Press Office archives. The Press Office’s page, housed under Media Resources includes current and archived press releases of discoveries, initiatives, and conferences in which the SCA has been involved. For a more personal take on happenings in the Egyptian antiquities field, one can read Dr. Hawass’ Monthly Column about highlights in his recent work. Media professionals may also benefit from PDFs outlining filming and photography regulations under Download Forms in Media Resources.

In Foreign Mission Resources, one can find the titles of current and recent projects undertaken by foreign excavators or heritage professionals, with the members of each project listed below the project title. This is to facilitate access to permit information for prospective foreign missions; another important resource for such parties is the Download Forms page, where SCA regulations, the application, the security form, and ASAE publication guidelines are posted. Contact information for the Department of Foreign Missions is also listed here in case of further inquiries.

The home page of the SCA links to a general history of the organization, from the Antiquities Service’s inception in 1858 to the leadership of current Secretary-General, Zahi Hawass. A page outlining the organizational structure of the SCA divisions is also included on this page. Under this section is a list of special projects overseen by the Project Sector, a consulting and administrative body that interlopes among many different SCA offices and coordinates them with outside partners.

On the rest of the site, there exist lists of sites, museums, and exhibitions overseen by the SCA, all accompanied by their respective rules and permissions. A page for the SCA Store names all the publications and artifact replicas available for sale at the SCA headquarters in Zamalek, Cairo. The SCA also sponsors a series of Monday-night lectures, information for which can be found in Lectures and Events. Future events will be posted on the “SCA Events” page as they are scheduled.

Finally, Recovering Stolen Treasures outlines one of the most concerted initiatives of the SCA in recent years, arguably the paramount purpose of an antiquities organization in the post-imperial era—reintroducing into Egypt’s possession the thousands of artifacts taken illegally out of the country in the past. Though many objects have been successfully repatriated, many more remain unlawfully held by individuals and institutions overseas, and Stolen Treasures is a sampling of Egypt’s “wish list” for these stolen artifacts.

Check the SCA Website frequently as new updates are continually being posted and several of the pages are still under construction.

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