News: Press release from Hawass re Lost Army "find"

News: Press release from Hawass re Lost Army "find"

For those of you who would like an official announcement to which to link, the SCA's official statement regarding the alleged discovery of the Lost Army of Cambyses is now available on Zahi Hawass's site at the above page.

The statement seems to have confused the discovery of the "lost army" remains (whatever they turn out to be) which were found just south of Siwa with the location of Berenike Panchrysos (not to be confused with Berenice Troglodytica) which in his discussion of Eastern Desert Ware Hans Barnard says has been tentatively identified with Daraheib. I also cannot work out the connection with Dr Paolo Gallo who I thought was working on an island off the coast of Alexandria.

I daresay that all will be revealed eventually!

- News: Iran Requests Unesco's Help Re Lost Army
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- Lost Army And The Sites Mentioned In The Sca Press Release
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- News: Lost Army Of Cambyses Found?
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- Cambyses Lost Army
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