News on the Naqada II Harrogate Vase

News on the Naqada II Harrogate Vase
"In about a week, tests will reveal whether the art on an Egyptian vase on show at the Royal Pump Room Museum is of international importance or the work of a brilliant forger.The vase itself, which shows the image of a boat carrying a body curled into a foetal position, is genuine. Two years of tests at York University have traced the object and parts of its decorative paint to 3,200BC, predating the times of the pyramids and the Pharaohs". See the article for some comments re the vase. Obviously, I will update the blog as soon as more information is available about this important artefact.

- Harrogate Museum Offers Study Ot Artefacts To Public
Macroworld Investor (Source: The Financial Times) The Harrogate Royal Pump Room Museum have launched a project to enable the public to vote on which of six artefacts from the Egyptology collection should be studied next. MUSEUM visitors are being given...

- Ebay - Naqada Ii Vase "One of these occasional oddities that crops up on Ebay (the last one I recall was the head of an Amarna princess of disputed authenticity). This one is a Naqada II vase is being offered for sale, along with antiquities from Luristan...

- Egyptology Events In Harrogate, Uk I was actually looking for some sort of update about the Naqada II vase that is being tested by York University (found nothing), and stumbled instead across...

- Fit For A Pharaoh: 'fake' Vase Is 5,000 Years Old An unusual predynastic vase in Harrogate Museum, originally part of a private collection, which has long been thought to be a fake has been scientifically tested and found to be the...

- Possible Depiction Of Anthony And Cleopatra On Roman Vase (article) (image of the vase) "The epic romance between Egyptian queen Cleopatra and the Roman general Marc Antony was immortalized...

