Nicholas Reeves launches a new website

Nicholas Reeves launches a new website

Thanks to Dr Nick Reeves for letting me know that he has recently launched a new website about his work in Egyptology at the above address. For those of you who aren't familiar with Nicholas Reeves, he has a long background in Egyptology and worked for a number of seasons in the Valley of the Kings with his Amarna Royal Tombs Project, when survey by radar identified KV63, which was excavated by Otto Schaden's team, and a second chamber which so far remains unexcavated. The plan is to develp the website so that content which is not easily accessible elsewhere will be available here - particularly focusing on information about Amarna and the Valley of the Kings. Definately one to watch if you're interests lie in this direction.

- Artp Radar Survey Of The Valley Of The Kings, 2000
ARTP Radar Survey of the Valley of the Kings, 2000 Many thanks to Kate Phizackerley for letting me know that Nicholas Reeves has overhauled his website and in December posted a very good summary of the ARTP radar survey which lists all the ‘features’...

- Update - "kv64" to Aayko Eyma for pointing out that the Archaeology magazine website has now been updated with an interview with Nick Reeves, who has recently announced the presence on radar images of a possible...

- Amarna Royal Tombs Project - Update Amarna Royal Tombs Project website has been updated by Dr Nicholas Reeves with further statements of clarification, following ongoing speculation and comment. Here is an extract: "I’ll begin by addressing...

- Kv63/the Amarna Royal Tombs Project very much to Dr Nicholas Reeves for copying me in on an email that made his position on the subject of recent rumours very clear. In a statement on his website, at the above page: Dear friends and colleagues...

- Looking For Kv 64
Dr. Zahi Hawass is finally taking the Amarna Royal tombs project seriously and has started an investigation into an anomaly found years ago in the Valley of Kings. The anomaly was actually discovered in 2000 but due to false allegations that the projects...

