Off-topic - Conference: Weather, Climate Change, and British Farming in Historical Perspective

Off-topic - Conference: Weather, Climate Change, and British Farming in Historical Perspective

Okay, this one really is slightly bizarre for this blog. But if you're interested in the subject of climate change (which if you're interested in the prehistory of Egypt you probably will be) and you're located in the UK then this might be something that could help to generate some ideas.

Weather, Climate Change, and British Farming in Historical Perspective
Saturday 6 December 2008

This year's British Agricultural History Society winter conference is on 'Weather, Climate Change, and British Farming'. It runs from 10.30-4.30 and includes four papers: Steve Rippon on 'Agriculture in the late Roman and early medieval landscape: environmental or social change?' Bruce Campbell on 'Harvest failure and harvest success: three centuries of English grain yields, 1211-1491' Mary Young, Karen Cullen and Chris Whatley on ' "Depauperat, dead or fled": the social and psychological impact on Scottish rural communities of the turbulent weather suffered in the later seventeenth century.' And John Martin on 'The bleak midwinter of 1947: causes and consequences'.

Venue: Wolfson and Pollard Rooms, Institute of Historical Research, Malet St, London.
Contact: Dr Jane Whittle [email protected]

- Feature: A Historical Perspective On Climate Change
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