One man’s crusade to save Pharaonic heritage

One man’s crusade to save Pharaonic heritage
A contemporary and colleague of John Gardner Wilkinson, Prisse d'Avennes was a remarkable man: "d’Avennes had a mission. He wanted to save the stones of Karnak from being used to build the Pasha’s saltpeter factory. His determination provoked several violent incidents. He was beaten, stabbed and jailed, but still would not give up. One of his young assistants, George Lloyd de Beynestyn, having been assailed by a fellah, used the butt of his gun in self-defense, but accidentally shot himself instead." See this article for more - it is a great story about an early attempt to conserve the archaeology of Egypt.

- Paris: Capital Of Islamic Design
Al Ahram Weekly (David Tresilian) The magnificent setting of the Musée des arts décoratifs in Paris is presently the backdrop for Purs décors? Arts de l'Islam, regards du XIX me si cle, a survey exhibition on the influence of Islamic art on late...

- Kv63 Update to Egypt Today, KV63 will be officially opened on March 10th: "Much of the speculation could end on March 10, when the tomb is officially opened and the contents of the seven sarcophagi inside...

- Prisse D'avennes The Travellers in Egypt website has been updated with a verbal portrait of Prisse D'Avennes, who travelled Egypt in the late 1800s: "Of the hundreds of 19th-century Orientalists – those...

- Items In "egypt Today" Magazine
A summary of the Tutankhamun scan Egypt Today's April edition summary of the Tutankhamun scan, including Hawass's plans for future work on mummy remains. New home for Ramsses II

- Alexandria - Short Summary An article on Alexandria, with a section in the middle on the ancient sections, with comments by archaeologists working there explaining about the pressures, in some instances, of Rescue Archaeology. ...

