Online: Causing His Name To Live

Online: Causing His Name To Live

The University of Memphis

Thanks very much to Chuck Jones for posting this link on the Ancient World Online blog.

Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane Culture and History of the Ancient Near East Volume 37
Edited by Peter Brand and Louise Cooper
(E. J. Brill Academic Publishers: Leiden, 2009)
ISBN 978 90 04 176447 * ISSN 1566-2055

William J. Murnane (1945-2000) dedicated his life to the epigraphic recording and historical interpretation of the monuments of pharaonic Egypt. In tribute to his important contributions to Egyptology, a prominent group of his colleagues and students offer a range of new studies on Egyptian epigraphy and historiography. Amarna studies loom large in the volume as they did in Murnane's own work. Several chapters investigate the art, history and chronology of the reigns of Akhenaten and his immediate successors. Other contributions deal with historical issues, especially those connected with the epigraphic and archaeological aspects of the Theban temples of Karnak and Luxor. The book is richly illustrated with photographs and drawings.

Through the generosity of E. J. Brill, all of the content of the book Causing His Name to Live will remain available here for free public use. Although the content is the same, the typesetting and formatting of the material on this website differs from that of the printed book.

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