Online: UCL Discovery

Online: UCL Discovery

UCL Discovery

UCL has made a lot of publications and theses written by students and academic staff available to the public on its website. The above link shows the results for a search on the word "predynastic." There are some good papers, dissertations and theses available.

- Online Resource - Spanish Egyptology Portal Including links to free downloads of books, articles and theses.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- The British Library's Electronic Theses Online Service
EthOS The aim of EThOS is: * To offer a 'single point of access' where researchers the world over can access ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education * To support Higher Education Institutions through the transition from print to e-theses...

- Authormapper - Egypt
AuthorMapper, Egypt Neat online application which searches the Springer website for articles which are available for download, sorted by geographical area. The above link produces results for a search on Egypt. Here's the site's introduction:...

- Ucl Museums And Collections Survey Results
UCL Museums and Collections I thought that this might be of interest to anyone looking at the way in which musum collections are used and how they might develop in the future, particularly in the context of university collections. Issues addressed include...

- Phd Research Directory The Universal Index of Post Doctoral Dissertations: This site holds a database of doctoral dissertations in progress around the world. The site is an open academic community effort to: - Avoid duplications in doctoral dissertations - Create...

