Online: ASTENE

Online: ASTENE


Thanks very much to Charles Jones at Ancient World Online for the information that the Open Access Journal Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE) is available at the above address.

- Open Access Egyptology From Waseda
Ancient World Online (Charles Ellwood Jones) Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo Publications Series of Studies in Egyptian Culture See the above page for a set of 13 links of an excellent online resource of articles.Egyptology News Blog,...

- Free Academic Articles Get Read But Don't Generate More Citations
Science Daily When academic articles are "open access" or free online, they get read more often, but they don't -- going against conventional wisdom -- get cited more often in academic literature, finds a new Cornell study. The reason, suggest Cornell...

- Brill Ancient Near East And Egypt Catalogue And Archive
Brill have announced their new online catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian publications. They have also announced that their journal archive will be available online: BRILL announces the launch of the BRILL journal archive online. Brill announces...

- The Society For The Study Of Egyptian Antiquities Volume 33
Journal of the SSEA Volume 33 of the Journal of The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities is now online at the above address. The Abstracts are all available to view online. The print copy is not yet available, but if you are a subscriber you...

- Lepsius Denkmaler Online
Many thanks to Charles Ellwood Jones and his Ancient World Online for pointing this excellent resource out. Lepsius Denkmaler...

