Online: Sudan and Nubia bulletin 1997

Online: Sudan and Nubia bulletin 1997

Sudan Archaeological Research Society 

The Sudan Archaeological Research Society website (SARS) have made first (1997) issue of their bulletin Sudan and Nubia available free of charge and available for download as a PDF ( 60 excellent pages of information, photographs, diagrams, maps and plans. It is an annual publication, free to SARS members.

- Egyptology News 30th April - 5th May 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Wadi es-Sebua. Nubia Fieldwork Via @NealSpencer_BM Draft publications of 4th Cataract (Nubia) salvage archaeology, site 3-0 (64-page PDF). SARS      Gebel el Silsila...

- Exhibition / Interview: “from Nubia To Sudan”
Greek Reporter (by Zdravka Mihaylova) Interview with Alexandros Tsakos and Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos. With photos. Last October the Benaki Museum of Islamic Art inaugurated the photo exhibition ‘From Nubia to Sudan through the Eyes of the Greek-Norwegian...

- Bmsaes 9, August 2008
BMSAES British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan. The British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES) is a peer-reviewed academic journal, dedicated to presenting research on all aspects of ancient Egypt and Sudan. The articles do...

- Daily Photo - Treasures From Sudan Exhibtion
The Treasures from Sudan exhibition was held at the British Museum in London in 2004. Its purpose was to celebrate the centenary fo the founding of the first museum in the Sudan in 1904, and to help to promote more awareness of the country's heritage....

- Travel: Sudan
North Platte Bulletin (Dean Jacobs) A short travel piece describing experiences in the Sudan, focusing mainly on the writer's encounters with local people. Another consistent part of my conversations center on the west’s perception of Sudan.“How...

