Online: The Trismegistos project

Online: The Trismegistos project


Trismegistos [TM], called after the famous epithet of Hermes - Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing who also played a major role in Greek religion and philosophy, is a platform aiming to surmount barriers of language and discipline in the study of late period Egypt and the Nile valley (roughly BC 800 - 800 AD). It brings together a variety of projects dealing with metadata, mainly of published documents.

Its core component is Trismegistos Texts, which includes papyrological and epigraphic texts, not only in Greek, Latin, and Egyptian in its various scripts (Demotic, hieroglyphic, hieratic and Coptic), but also in Meroitic, Aramaic, Arabic, Nabataean, Carian, and other languages (currently 122639 records). Most of the metadata are provided by partner projects, normally limited to texts in a certain language, on a type of writing surface (e.g. papyrus) or of a certain type (e.g. literary vs. documentary).

Because Trismegistos wants to facilitate cross-cultural and cross-linguistic research, the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt (Cologne, Mark Depauw; Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) has collaborated with several projects of the K.U.Leuven to develop tools permitting an interdisciplinary approach to the collections holding the texts, the places where the texts where found and written, or the archives to which the texts belong.

- New Book: The Elephantine Papyri In English
Society of Biblical Literature The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, Second Revised Edition by Bezalel Porten This important volume contains 175 documents from the Egyptian border fortresses of...

- Book Review: Traversing Eternity
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Reviewed by T. G. Wilfong) Mark Smith, Traversing Eternity: Texts for the Afterlife from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Egyptian funerary texts of the Graeco-Roman period are less...

- Research: Prosopographia Ptolemaica
Prosopgraphia Ptolemaica Thanks to a post on AWOL for the link to the above project website. The Prosopographia Ptolemaica is one of the long-standing research projects of the department of Ancient History at the University of Leuven. The Prosopographia...

- New Book: The Oxford Handbook Of Papyrology
What's New In Papyrology By Roger Bagnall Description Thousands of texts, written over a period of three thousand years on papyri and potsherds, in Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Persian, and other languages, have transformed our knowledge...

- Demotic Egyptian
Egyptian Demotic The chronologically penultimate variety of the Egyptian language is known as Demotic. Demotic is the most cursive script developed by the Egyptians. This stage of the language has, in many ways, connections to the preceding stage, Late...

