Online: Two aspects of Middle Kingdom Funerary culture from two different Middle Egyptian Nomes

Online: Two aspects of Middle Kingdom Funerary culture from two different Middle Egyptian Nomes

eTheses Repository 

Two aspects of Middle Kingdom Funerary culture from two different Middle Egyptian Nomes

Billson, Bjorn Marc (2012)
M.Phil. thesis, University of Birmingham.

PDF (1109Kb)

This thesis aims to further the understanding of the cultural and social history of the Middle Kingdom nomes. Two different approaches have been taken. The first examines coffin texts unique to individual coffins from the provincial cemetery of El Bersheh in the 15th Upper Egyptian nome. The evidence presented suggests that these texts were products of the Hermopolitan House of Life and were likely to have been created for specific individuals. It is concluded that the provincial elite were the driving force behind this innovation. In the second approach this thesis turns its attention to the pottery of Beni Hasan and the 16th Upper Egyptian nome. It is argued that the pottery corpus of Beni Hasan is reflective of the independence of the provincial administration and that the appearance of the Residence style during the mid 12th Dynasty is reflective of the social changes undertaken during the reign of Sesostris III. In the concluding section both approaches have been brought together, in doing so this thesis has been able to observe the independence and creativity of provincial culture which arose out of the unique power and authority held by the nomarchs.

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