Online Annual Egyptological Bibliography

Online Annual Egyptological Bibliography

All bibliographical information and summaries collected in the AEB volumes covering 1947 through 2001 are now online. One may search for Egyptological literature on any subject by using a simple search module. Authors can directly submit summaries of their publications.
*** From 1 June to 1 November 2007,
free access will be granted to the AEB Online.
*** After 1 November 2007 the AEB
Online will be a service available to paying subscribers only.

You can help us by giving feedback on the current version of AEB Online. Please visit the website and leave a comment or fill in the questionnaire.
Willem Hovestreydt, AEB editor
[email protected]

- Internship In Oxford At The Online Egyptological Bibliography (1 Month)
For those people who have had trouble finding the information about the internship on the Griffith Institute Facebook page, I have copied and pasted the information here.  I have no more details than those copied here, so please ask any questions...

- Authormapper - Egypt
AuthorMapper, Egypt Neat online application which searches the Springer website for articles which are available for download, sorted by geographical area. The above link produces results for a search on Egypt. Here's the site's introduction:...

- Brill Ancient Near East And Egypt Catalogue And Archive
Brill have announced their new online catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian publications. They have also announced that their journal archive will be available online: BRILL announces the launch of the BRILL journal archive online. Brill announces...

- Weekly Websites - Special Edition
Out of Print book search As frequent visitors will know, I haven't been doing much web surfing recently so this is a special version to address one particular problem - finding unusual or out of print books. I have been using all of these companies...

- Aigyptos It has recently been announced that AIGYPTOS, a free online database of Egyptological literature, formerly only available in German (top URL), is now also available in English (second...

