Online journals - Egyptology

Online journals - Egyptology

AWOL (Charles Ellwood Jones)

Michael Tilgner has compiled an excellent list: E-Journals and Digitized Paper Periodicals (Egyptology) [currently dated December 19, 2008] at the EEF Archives & Links page.

See the above page for the links.

- Online: The Eef Guide To Internet Resources For Ancient Egyptian Texts
Egyptologists' Electronic Forum A fabulous resource. With thanks to Michael Tilgner and EEF for providing it. The following is the introductory text: Version 17 (May 1, 2011) The below collection of online resources (plus some recent paper bibliography)...

- Open Access Egyptology From Waseda
Ancient World Online (Charles Ellwood Jones) Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo Publications Series of Studies in Egyptian Culture See the above page for a set of 13 links of an excellent online resource of articles.Egyptology News Blog,...

- Online Resources: Open Access To Giza
The Ancient World Online Thanks to Chuck Jones at AWOL for posting a comprehensive list of online resources available for those who wish to find out more about the excavations at the Giza necropolis. Go to the above page for some excellent links, many...

- Giza Archives Project Library
Ancient World Bloggers (Charles Ellwood Jones) Thanks to Chuck Jones for posting a long list of articles available at the Giza Archives Project website. The freely accessible online library of monographs, articles, and manuscripts all focus on the Giza...

- Lepsius Denkmaler Online
Many thanks to Charles Ellwood Jones and his Ancient World Online for pointing this excellent resource out. Lepsius Denkmaler...

