Oriental Institute books online

Oriental Institute books online

Another batch of free-of-charge publications have appeared on the Oriental Institute's website, as follows:.
OIP 102: The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192, The Epigraphic Survey, The Oriental Institute Of The University of Chicago
OIP 63: Pottery from the Diyala Region. Pinhas Delougaz
OIP 21: The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume 1:
General Plans and Views. Uvo Hölscher, with Foreword by J. H. Breasted

- Resource: More From The Oriental Institute
More online publications have been added to the Oriental Institute's website: OIP 84. Medinet Habu, Volume IV. The Temple Proper, Part II: The Re Chapel, the Royal Mortuary Complex, and Adjacent Rooms with Miscellaneous Material from the Pylons, the...

- More Online Papers From The Oriental Institute
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago has announced the free Internet publication of eleven Egyptological titles: OIC 12. The Alphabet: Its Rise and Development from the Sinai Inscriptions. By Martin Sprengling. Oriental Institute Communications...

- More Free Internet Publications From The Oriental Institute
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago announces the free Internet publication of eleven older Egyptological titles, available exclusively online. These volumes comprise the second batch of the 125 volumes scanned to be released. Internet...

- Newly Available Online Publications At The Oriental Institute
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago announces the publication of eleven older Egyptological titles, most available exclusively online and two also in print. These are the first of the 125 volumes scanned to be released. Internet publication...

- Oriental Institute Books Online
Thanks very much to Kat Newkirk for forwarding the following list of books available online, in PDF format, at the Oriental Institute (some of the pages may take some time to load): Temple of Khonsu, Volume 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at...

