Osirisnet.net News Update

Osirisnet.net News Update

Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for letting me know that the News section of Osirisnet has been updated with highlights of the most intersting Egyptology news items for April 2006, with short descriptions, links to the original articles, and photographs. There is a particularly interesting link to a PDF format article by Richard H. Wilkinson on the subject of first two seasons of excavations (2004 and 2005) at the unfinished Temple of Tausert on Luxor's West Bank. It appears in 'Ostracon', the occasional newsletter of the Egypt Study Society - and although it is dated Summer 2005, I thought that it might be of interest to anyone who hadn't yet seen it. There are lots of diagrams and photographs supporting the report:

- Help Requested From Osirisnet
Osirisnet Thierry Benderitter has emailed to let newsletter subscribers know that the server hosting Osirisnet crashed a few days ago. They have done our best to restore all the data. but if you find missing pages or images, corrupted data, or dead links,...

- Osirisnet Updated With Tomb Of Amenhotep Iii
OsirisNet - Tomb of Amenhotep III Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for letting me know that the OsirisNet website has been updated with full details for the tomb of Amenhotep III (KV22). As usual, an enormous amount of work has gone into providing a complete...

- Osirisnet - Tt409, Tomb Of Kyky-samut
http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/nobles/kyky/kyky_01.htm Thanks to Thierry Benderitter from OsirisNet for the news that the web pages for the tomb of Kyky-Samut (TT409) have been entirely re written and considerably increased. The text is only in French...

- Osirisnet Mastaba Of Niakhkhnum And Khnumhotep Updated
http://tinyurl.com/38hpxf (osirisnet.net)Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for letting me know that after three months of hard work, the excellent Osirisnet website has been updated with complete details about the Saqqara mastaba of Niakhkhnum and Khnumhotep....

- Details Of Tt359 And Tt299 (inerkhau) Now Online
http://tinyurl.com/2th4g4 (osirisnet.net)Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the information that the OsirisNet website has been updated with descriptions, photographs and diagrams of the tombs of Inerkhau - TT359 and TT299. I absolutely love the reconstruction...

