PalArch Foundation changes

PalArch Foundation changes
PalArch's Journal on the archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (ISSN 1567-214X) will see some important changes. The October issue of the Newsletter will present the new procedures, and more information on the changes will be published in the July and October 2006 Newsletters. Some of the changes are summarized below.

1) From now on, the Journal as well as the Newsletter will be entirely free to download: back issues will be sent by mail as pdf attachment upon request in the same way as with our book reviews.

2) One of the big problems with electronic publishing is digital preservation (long-term archiving of digital content) and practical permanent access. Many may not know that much research is done by institutes such as the Dutch National Library, often in cooperation with large publishers (Elsevier) and computer companies such as IBM. The PalArch Foundation is addressing these issues by cooperating with the Dutch National Library in order to assure our authors and readers permanent access to data. Read more on this and related topics at

3) The PalArch Foundation decided to change the policy and will accept also papers on the history of Egypt beyond the Arab Conquest.

Finally, the upcoming issue (1 July 2006) contains the two final contributions on the (peer reviewed) discussion of the (re)dating of the Sphinx by Vandecruys and Reader.

- Palarch Foundation New Website And Papers
PalArch Foundation Dear colleagues, The PalArch Foundation has launched its new web site. For the time being, only new publications are accessible, but we are going to transport our archives to the new site this summer. Of course, all publications will...

- Palarch Journal And Newsletter 5, 2 (july 2008)
PalArch Thanks to Andre Veldmeijer for the news that the July issue of the PalArch journals is online, complete with new format. For more information on the new format as well as on the most recent developments see the Newsletter at (

- Palarch Newsletter 5, January 2008
PalArch Thanks to Andre Veldmeijer for announcing that, after a slight delay, the Jaunuary 2008 issue of the PalArch Newsletter is now online and free to download. There is a photograph of Saqqara in the newsletter by Zbigniew Kosc, together with a link...

- Palarch October 2007
PalArch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology Thanks to André Veldmeijer for letting me know that the the October 2007 issue of the PalArch Journals are online. All content is available free of charge in PDF format. The Journal of Archaeology of...

- Palarch Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology 2, 1: 1-8
Thanks to André J. Veldmeijer for sending the following email, notifying that the new edition of PalArch's Journal of Egypt/Egyptology (ISSN 1567-214X) is available online: The April 2007 issue of our free journals is now online at:

