Paléorient is now online

Paléorient is now online (
Paléorient, a CNRS International pluridisciplinary journal, is dedicated to the prehistory and protohistory of South-West and Central Asia: "Created in 1971, Paléorient is an international and pluridisciplinary CNRS journal. It promotes exchange of ideas between prehistorians, archaeologists, and specialists concerned by Man evolution in his environment from his earliest appearance to the beginnings of urbanization in the area that extends from the Mediterranean to the Indus Valley and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf
Twice a year, Paléorient offers synthetical contributions, notes of information, reviews that are published in French or in English. Some issues are thematic ones.
It is internationally recognized as the natural place to present and to discuss recent research and results in all the fields that concern the prehistory and protohistory of the Middle East and Central Asia."

- More Re The New 17th Dynasty King
Discovery  (Rossella Lorenzi) A new king has been added to the long list of ancient pharaohs, the Egyptian Minister of State for Antiquities, Mohamed Ibrahim, announced this week. The king's name, Senakht-en-Re, emerged from the engraved remains...

- Sarcophagii And Statues Discovered At Saqqara
Pyramid of Man Translated from the French website Le journal du CNRS: At thirty kilometers southwest of Cairo, the site of Saqqara has delivered new wonders. The archaeological mission led by Egyptologist Christiane Ziegler revealed in broad daylight...

- Dispersal Of Pigs From The Near East
BBC News This is of no direct relevance to Egypt, but for those interested in the dispersal of agricultural components from the Near East to Europe and Egypt, this may be of some interest.The first domesticated pigs in Europe were introduced from the...

- Exhibition: Global Views: 19th-century Travel Photographs ("In the second half of the 19th century, professional photographic firms arose in the major cities of Western Europe, as well as in more remote travel destinations such as Greece, Egypt, India, Asia and the Middle...

- Tourism: Statistics For February 2007 ( "Some 775,000 tourists from different world's countries visited Egypt last February, up by 16% compared to February 2006, said chairman of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) Abu...

