demo website (in development)
Egypt demo website (in development)

What's New in Papyrology is dedicated to the study of ancient papyrological documents. It offers links to papyrological resources and a customized search engine (called the Papyrological Navigator) capable of retrieving information from multiple related sites.

See the above page for more.

- Research: Prosopographia Ptolemaica
Prosopgraphia Ptolemaica Thanks to a post on AWOL for the link to the above project website. The Prosopographia Ptolemaica is one of the long-standing research projects of the department of Ancient History at the University of Leuven. The Prosopographia...

- High-tech Imaging Reveals Hidden Past In Ancient Texts
Physorg It might simply look like a smudge, but even the slightest stain on the ancient writing surface of papyrus could obscure a revelation of a past civilization. Now, with the advent of high-tech imaging, some of those secrets could reveal fascinating...

- New Book: The Oxford Handbook Of Papyrology
What's New In Papyrology By Roger Bagnall Description Thousands of texts, written over a period of three thousand years on papyri and potsherds, in Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Persian, and other languages, have transformed our knowledge...

- Papyrological Institute At The University Of Michigan 1 July- 31 July 2009
In July 2009, the Department of Classical Studies and the Graduate Library at the University of Michigan will host a Papyrological Institute for advanced graduate students and junior faculty in Ancient History, Classics, Egyptology, Byzantine Studies...

- Book Review: Arsinoites Nomos - Administration Of The Fayum Under Roman Rule
Bryn Mawr Classical ReviewIn this useful and interesting study of provincial Egypt, Tomasz Derda has set himself the far from moderate task of disentangling the complex and fragmented papyrological evidence relating to the formal aspects of Roman administration...

