Penns Mummies

Penns Mummies

The University of Pennsylvania has ct scanned some of its museums mummies including one with a mummified puppy at its feet.

- Cat Scan Of Adult Mummy From Royal Ontario Museum
The Star The above article looks at results from scans on four mummies owned by the Royal Ontario Museum, one of which, an anonymous adult, was scanned last week. The previously scanned mummies are also described, including two infants and a female musician...

- Upenn Williams Director Steps Down"Dr. Richard M. Leventhal, the Williams Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, has announced his intention to step down from the directorship effective November...

- Bowers Museum Mummy Ct Scans "Six of the British Museum's mummies – part of a new exhibit at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana – were recently "cat-scanned" by a team of Orange County radiologists. Some of...

- Talking Mummies

- Hapi Dog
A mummified puppy has recently undergone ct scanning revealing the unusual mummy.

