Pharaonic fortress found inside turquoise mines in Sinai

Pharaonic fortress found inside turquoise mines in Sinai
A typically brief State Information Service piece, and it may be a repetition of a discovery already known: "An Egyptian-Canadian mission unearthed a Fort from the Old Kingdom in Fairuz area in South Sinai. The mission, which is represented by experts from Egypt's Supreme Council for Antiquities and Toronto University, was conducting digging operations in Sahl El Markha site, 160 kilometers south of Suez, on the Western Coast of Sinai."

- More Re Sinai Discoveries With two photographs. This article seems to make it clear that instead of four separate sites the discovery is one site, a temple, which includes for different hall components - which actually makes rather more sense. Minister of Culture...

- Sinai's Turquoise Goddess
Al Ahram Weekly A comprehensive restoration and documentation scheme is underway at a major temple and mine complex in Sinai, as Nevine El-Aref reports From pre-dynastic times, early Egyptians made their way to the Sinai Peninsula over land or across...

- Prehistoric Tombs In Sinai is a frustratingly brief piece, but I will try to find some more information: "An archaeological mission belonging to the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) announced the discovery of 36 tombs...

- 11 Tombs Excavated At Ahansia Copied from the Egytian State Information Service website: "The Spanish archaeological mission under the National Antiquities Museum in Madrid has unearthed about eleven tombs built with unburnt bricks...

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