Pharonic gold mine areas yield new possibilities

Pharonic gold mine areas yield new possibilities
The Minister of Oil, Sameh Fahmi has announced that three gold mines have been discovered in al-Ela1qi Valley, South of Eastern desert. "An Australian company discovered the three sites and said that the concentration of gold is very high and would almost certainly have an impact upon international markets . . . . It is also notable that this valley was a permanent gold source some 4000 years ago for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt".

- Eastern Desert - Renewed Gold Production
Monday Morning This may appear to be slightly off-topic, but it is of interest in terms of the potential damage to the Eastern Desert that the mining might inflict on the archaeology. I've written on my Eastern Desert website both about gold exploitation...

- Golden Mummies Found In El-kharga I have not seen this reported anywhere else, and there is no indication of a formal source, but here is the very brief report anyway, in its entirety: A French team has discovered in western Egypt a graveyard dating...

- Exhibition: Gold's an exhibition at the moment at the American Museum of Natural History (New York) which looks at gold, including its geological context, how it is extracted and its use in different ancient socieities. Having...

- Egyptian Map Leads To Gold "Centamin Egypt will produce its first gold bar next year, Egyptian Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister, Sameh Fahmy, told Bloomberg. The company was encouraged to explore for gold at the Sukari mining lease site...

- Pharaonic Gold Miners' Housing Compound Discovered Near Red Sea "A Belgian archaeological mission to Egypt discovered a Pharaonic housing compound close to a gold mine in mountains along the Red...

