Photo for Today - Battlefield Palette

Photo for Today - Battlefield Palette

Battlefield Palette at the British Museum
There's a description of the palette at the British Museum's website

- Visualising Ancient Egyptian Artefact Surface Transformations
Kathryn Piquette's Blog  These past several days have been largely occupied with preparing and delivering a conference paper at ‘The Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology’ (CAA) 2012 at the University of Southampton....

- Photo For Today - Tortoise Palette
Tortoise palette Predynastic Schist Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire E.2837 Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Time For The Great Pyramid?
Archaeology Magazine (Mark Rose) Like any scientific research, the methods, data, and conclusions presented in JAMA can now be evaluated and debated. Right now, for example, I am working on a short piece about the results to go into our May/June issue....

- Jsesh 2.8.9 Serge Rosmorduc has announced the release of a new version of JSesh. The main new features are: New families from S. Thomas : "M" and "O" families are now complete.Improved palette. The documentation is yet to be completed,...

- New Version Of Jsesh Serge Rosmorduc has just announced on the Ancient Egyptian Language list that the latest patch for JSesh is now available from the above website. Version 2.4.13 of JSesh has just been solves a critical bug in 2.4.12 (the...

