Photo for Today - Deir el Medina

Photo for Today - Deir el Medina

Deir el Medina settlement
View from the Ptolemaic temple end towards the capark
(roughly north to south)

- Photo For Today - More From Deir El Medina
Stone vessel in the corner of one of the mudbrick- and-stone built rooms at Deir el Medina There's a good description of Deir el Medina housing on the website at Egyptology News...

- Photo For Today - Deir El Medina
Deir el Medina settlement View from west to east Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today By Anthony Marson
Water Well, Deir el Medina There is a lot more detail about Deir el Medina, including the water wells, at the "Images of Deir el Medina" website by Lenka and Andy Peakcock (the site is a member of the Egyptological network of the Russian Academy of...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
Tomb workers' village at Deir el-Medina West Bank, Luxor For a description of the site see Su Bayfield's Egyptian Monuments site For lots of photos and more description see the Images of Deir El Medina site For ostraca from the site see the...

- Deir El Medineh Database Thanks to Ben Haring of the Deir el-Medina database project for the information that the Deir el-Medina Database was updated in February 2006. "The total number of records is now at 3716, and the newly added...

