Photo for Today - Medinet Habu

Photo for Today - Medinet Habu

Apologies for the late post, nearly a week after my previous one. I've been running around like a headless chicken for the last few days, partly with the launch of Egyptological and partly with making preparations for coming up to Wales for a couple of weeks and meeting up with old friends over the last two days before going off somewhere else in Wales tomorrow. It has been somewhat chaotic to say the least! Things have calmed down a lot now.

A very happy Easter to all who celebrate it.

You may find the posts somewhat Hawass-laden due to the twin controversies of the court case and the clothing line, but this was unavoidable.

To complement Owen's story about Coptic graffiti I have
chosen a photograph of the some of remains of the Coptic town of Jeme today.
Jeme was built into the remains of Medinet Habu,
and fragments of it remain in mudbrick, surrounding
the temple precinct.

- Photo For Today - More From Jeme / Medinet Habu
Remains of Coptic Jeme, Medinet Habu Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Parts Of Amenhotep Iii’s Double Statue Uncovered In Luxor Press release. With photograph of 2 fragments. Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosny announced today that six missing pieces from the colossal double statue of the 18th Dynasty King Amenhotep III and his wife Queen Tiye, have been discovered...

- Seminar Notes - Coptic Thebes At The Ees
Coptic Heritage blog I've written up my notes from last Saturday's Coptic Thebes: Life in the 7th and 8th Centuries seminar by Dr Jennifer Cromwell (Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellow in Egyptology at Oxford University) at the Egypt Exploration...

- Happy Coptic Christmas!
I nearly missed posting today about Coptic Christmas because I thought that it was the 6th January today, for which my apologies - things have been a little hectic up here in Wales! In the Coptic Orthodox religion Christmas takes place on the 29th of...

- Blog Update
Tomorrow I am off to north Wales for a few days. I won't be updating the blog whilst I'm away but I'll update it on my return. I won't be picking up emails either, so I'll reply when I get back. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday....

