Photo for Today - more from Karnak

Photo for Today - more from Karnak

Now on display in the Open Air Museum this Pavilion of Sesostris I was discovered in pieces inside the core of the 3rd Pylon.

Photograph and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks

- Photo For Today - The Avenue Of Sphinxes At Luxor Temple
The start of an avenue of sphinxes that originally stretched to the Temple of Karnak which lies approximately North. Photo and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks. [This is an old photograph - the mosque at the end of the photo has been removed so...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
A view taken from beyond the Sacred Lake looking back to the 1st Pylon on the left with the Hypostyle Hall in the centre and the obelisks of Tuthmoses I and Hatshepsut on the right. Photograph and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks Egyptology News...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
South facade of the 8th pylon. Text and photo copyright Jon Bosworth, with my sincere thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
The entrance to the 7th Pylon. It sits beyond the so-called Court of the Cachette where a huge collection of statues was discovered in 1903. Text and photo copyright Jon Bosworth, with my sincere thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
Against the back wall of the 1st Pylon are the remains of a brick ramp used to erect the structure. Text and photo copyright Jon Bosworth, with my thanks. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

