Photo for Today - more from Karnak

Photo for Today - more from Karnak

Looking through the Hypostyle Hall at right angles to the central axis.

Text and photograph copyright
Jon Bosworth
with my thanks

- Photo For Today - The Avenue Of Sphinxes At Luxor Temple
The start of an avenue of sphinxes that originally stretched to the Temple of Karnak which lies approximately North. Photo and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks. [This is an old photograph - the mosque at the end of the photo has been removed so...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
A view taken from beyond the Sacred Lake looking back to the 1st Pylon on the left with the Hypostyle Hall in the centre and the obelisks of Tuthmoses I and Hatshepsut on the right. Photograph and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks Egyptology News...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
A pillar in Tuthmose III's Hall of Records. Made of granite it bears a Paprus plant symbol of Lower Egypt. Text and photo copyright Jon Bosworth, with my sincere thanks. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today - More From Karnak
There are many fragments of fallen obelisks at Karnak. This piece bears the cartouches of Tuthmose III. Text and photo copyright Jon Bosworth, with my sincere thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo - Karnak
Fred Sierevogel sent me this photograph and asked me to identify it, but I'm afraid I cannot be of much help. The statue is located in the Great Hypostyle Hall of Karnak and shows the deity Amun accompanied by a second figure whose head is missing....

