Photo for Today: Reconstruction work. Boys will be boys!

Photo for Today: Reconstruction work. Boys will be boys!

One of the abandoned Long Range Desert Group vehicles (a Chevrolet) from WW2,
near the Libyan border with the Gilf Kebir plateau in the background to the east.

It is snowing today in London. It couldn't be more different than the desert,
but it is very beautiful.

- Photo For Today. Oh Dear.
Trouble at Three Castles (west of Gilf Kebir). We went on without the car, its driver and our cook, who stayed to wait for help to arrive from Cairo. Fortunately we had satellite phones so the situation was well under control and help was soon sent from...

- Daily Photo - Gilf Kebir
For reasons unknown, the only photos of Egypt that I have stored on my laptop are of the Gilf Kebir, so it was a choice of giving you more photos of north Wales, a rather nice collection from Italy, or photos of the Western Desert! So the Gilf it is....

- Natural History: Desolate Desert
Egypt Today (Richard Hoath) I'm always a happy woman when there's an article about Gilf Kebir/Gebel Uweinat, and here's a lovely piece on the Egypt Today website about the area's natural history. A good kick-start to a grey day in London...

- Daily Photo - Chevrolet At The Gilf Kebir
The western edge of the Gilf Kebir is in the background of these photographs of a 1940s military Chevrolet, with cab in tact. None of the chevys belonging to the Long Range Desert Group had their cabs intact, which argues that this vehicle was once part...

- Daily Photo - 8 Bells
The word "Eight Bells" and an arrow pointing north are spelled out in empty cans of aviation fuel at the south of the Gilf Kebir. The cans mark an aircraft landing site, which was used during the Second World War by the RAF in Egypt. The need for a landing...

