Photo for Today - stela of Ramessesemperre, Brussels

Photo for Today - stela of Ramessesemperre, Brussels

The Musée Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles is light-filled and full of space (the Petrie Museum would do absolute wonders with that sort of real estate), and there are some lovely artefacts from the prehistoric period through to the Coptic period. The objects seem to be largely unprovenanced, but it is difficult to tell because the labels are often either missing or nor particularly informative. There is an audio guide, which I didn’t take because I loathe the things, but it might have been more informative than the labels. I wish that I had had longer in Brussels because I would have liked to explore other areas of the museum, but on the final afternoon before catching the Eusorstar back toLondon it was either that or the Musee d’Art Moderne, and since I have a passion for modern art and it was very close to the venue I chose to see that instead.

The stela of Ramessesemperre
Temple of Tuthmosis III, Gurob, Faiyum
Painted limestone
Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire

Full details can be found on the Global Egyptian Museum

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